Friday, August 19, 2011

Search Engine Marketing Services

High search engine rankings you need to get free traffic. If you sell a product or service you need to get visitors to your site to be able to sell something. There are many ways to get traffic - from the paid advertisements in search engine optimization, or SEO.
Duplicate content does not give any value to the site, and this fact also impacts the rating. This is easily detected and pages that contain duplicate content, as a rule, do not appear in search results. This is a logical approach, because search engines try to provide relevant results. He just does not make sense to link to pages with identical content.
There are a number of SEO strategies that are implemented by internet marketers. This includes the publication of good content; find the correct keywords using Meta tags, article submission, link building and much more. Today there are many SEO companies or professionals who offer their services. They offer guaranteed search engine rankings.
SEO company can be divided into two parts. The first on-page optimization, which tells you that the right to change the source code of the website. And there on page optimization which is far more important and sometimes difficult to deal with.
As an internet marketer you should always find a search marketing keywords that you can make money with. As I understand it, the keyword search marketing, some word or phrase that a sufficient number of people to search the web and as traffic.
Necessity of SEO experts higher and higher every day, as their service becomes important to optimize the site. Site optimization requires some changes to the design of the site and Meta tags for better search engine rankings.
Nevertheless, the key words are from a little old fashioned, and have recently been replaced in most OPS dictionary, the new kid on the block: the key phrase. You can also create a forum, comments and social bookmarking backlinks for more social exposure. Remember, when it comes to backlinks, the quality is worth more than the quantity.
Search engines have begun to include chirp and Face Book reports on their search results pages. This opens new possibilities of search engine rankings, which can be used to improve search engine ranking keyword.
One thing should be clear. Each keyword is not converted into sales. There are only a few keywords in each niche, which will convert into sales. There are many opinions about what the keywords that converts into sales.
Often, your site is punishing a person when she is too closely with anomalous backlinks. The site owner must rethink how it manipulates, or distributed in its backlinks. When traps are found, these discrepancies must be corrected. The main object here should be removing the unnatural feeling of the setting of backlinks

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Search Engine Optimization

1. Title Tag

Near the very top of a web site’s source code you’ll find various meta tags — the standard ones being the Title, Description and Keyword tags. The title tag is technically not a meta tag, though it is commonly associated with them. The title tag plays such a large role in the indexing of your web site, that it is considered the most important of the three.
A page title is the first thing a search engine will look at when determining just what the particular page is about. It is also the first thing potential visitors will see when looking at your search engine listing.
It’s important to include a keyword or two in the title tag — but don’t go overboard – you don’t want to do what’s known as “keyword stuffing” which does nothing but make your web site look like spam. Most people will include either the company name, or title of the particular page here, as well.

2. Meta Tags

Meta TagsThere are two primary meta tags in terms of SEO — the description and the keyword tag. It’s debatable whether the search engines use the description tag as far as ranking your results. However it is one of the more important tags because it is listed in your search result — it is what users read when your link comes up and what makes them decide whether or not to click on your link.
Be sure to include a few relevant keywords in this tag, but don’t stuff it with keywords either. The description tag should read like a sentence — not a keyword list.
Due to “keyword stuffing” many search engines now completely disregard the keyword tag. It is no longer nearly as important as it was years ago, however it doesn’t hurt to include them in your source code.
When creating your keyword list, you’ll want to think of the specific terms people will type in when searching for a site like yours. Just don’t go overboard — too many duplicates are not a good thing (as in “web designer” “web designers” “custom web designer” “html web designer” “your state here web designer” – you get the idea). Those are all basically the same, so pick one or two variations at the most and move onto the next keyword.

3. Proper Use of Heading Tags

This is a very important element to consider when writing out your site copy. Use of heading tags helps users, web browsers and search engines alike know where the major key points of your copy are.
Your main page title should use the <h1> tag — this shows what your page is about. Use of additional tags, such as <h2> and <h3> are equally important by helping to break down your copy. For one, you’ll see a visual break in the text. But as far as the search engines are concerned, it will automatically know what your topics are on a page. The various heading tags give a priority to the content and help index your site properly.

4. Alt Attributes on Images

Alt Image TagPutting alt attributes on your images actually serves two purposes. In terms of SEO, putting a brief yet descriptive alt attribute along with your image, places additional relevant text to your source code that the search engines can see when indexing your site. The more relevant text on your page the better chance you have of achieving higher search engine rankings.
In addition, including image alt attributes help the visually impaired who access web sites using a screen reader. They can’t see the image, but with a descriptive alt attribute, they will be able to know what your image is.

5. Title Attributes on Links

Including title attributes on links is another important step that any good web site will have. That’s the little “tool tip” that pops up when you place your mouse over a link. These are especially important for image links, but equally useful for text links.
As a note, you should use descriptive text for your links. “Click here” doesn’t really tell a person – or more importantly, the search engines — what the link is. At the very least put a title tag that will explain that “Click Here” really means “Web Design Portfolio” for example. Better yet – make the main link text something like “View my web design portfolio” — this will give some value to the link showing that the resulting page is relevant to searches for portfolio’s.

6. XML Sitemap

My last post referenced the sitemaps used by web visitors to help them navigate through your site themselves. However, there’s another version — XML sitemaps — that are used by the search engines in order to index through your site, as well.
This list of ALL pages / posts / etc. of your site also includes information such as the date the page was last modified, as well as a priority number of what you feel the most important pages of your sites are. All elements that help the search engines properly find and link to all content of your site.

7. Relevant Content

Having content relevant to your main page or site topic is perhaps the most important SEO aspect of a page. You can put all the keywords you want in the meta tags and alt image tags, etc — but if the actual readable text on the page is not relevant to the target keywords, it ends up basically being a futile attempt.
While it is important to include as many keywords in your page copy as possible, it is equally as important for it to read well and make sense. I’m sure we’ve all seen keyword stuffed pages written by SEO companies that honestly don’t make much sense from the reader’s point of view.
When creating your site copy, just write naturally, explaining whatever information you’re discussing. The key is to make it relevant, and to have it make sense to the reader. Even if you trick the search engines into thinking your page is great — when a potential customer arrives at the site and can’t make heads or tails of your information and it just feels spammy to them — you can bet they’ll be clicking on the next web site within a matter of seconds.
Link Building

8. Link Building

We’ve probably all heard of Google Page Rank — it seems to be every web site owner’s dream to have as high a page rank as possible. While the algorithm for determining page rank encompasses many elements, and is constantly changing, one item is the number of links pointing to your web site.
Now, you’ll want to steer clear of link farms and other spammy attempts at getting links to your site. However there are many reputable and niche directory sites that you can use to submit your web site, or specific blog articles to.
With genuine content — especially if you have a blog — you’ll be able to generate links with other web sites and blogs, as well. It’s somewhat of a give and take, in that if you link out to other sites, you’ll find sites linking back to you  — and hopefully see your page rank going up, as well!

9. Social Media

Although technically not SEO, Social Media is such a growing factor in getting your web site noticed, that it’s an important element to include in your plan.
Social media ranges from social networks like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn — to social bookmarking sites such as Delicious, Digg, StumbleUpon and many more. There is a lot of relationship building involved, but as you build your own networks and build quality content on your web site or blog, you’ll see traffic to your web site increasing, as well.
As with any relationship, it is a give and take. Don’t just expect to join a site like Twitter for the pure sake of pushing your content. That just won’t fly — your true intentions will stick out like a sore thumb and do nothing but turn people off.
Even if you are on the site purely for networking reasons, the key is to make friends. Help out members of your network if they ask for a “retweet” or Digg, give helpful advice if asked, etc. You’ll see the same in return.
If you write a great post and have built meaningful relationships with peers in your  niche, you’ll often find that friends will submit your posts and give you votes on the social bookmarking sites. The more votes you receive, the more likely your post is to be noticed by others and shared around, often resulting in additional link backs from other blogs, etc.

10. A Few SEO Don’ts — Flash and Splash

Flash PlayerAlong with any list of Do’s come the Don’ts. As far as SEO is concerned, two of these items are splash pages (often consisting of a flash animation) and all flash web sites.
Yes, flash is pretty! Full flash web sites can actually be amazing to look at — their own bit of interactive artwork. But unfortunately the search engines don’t get along well with Flash. Although there is talk of possible advancement in this area, for the most part the search engines cannot read Flash.
All that great content that you wrote for your site will not be seen by the search engines if it’s embedded into a Flash web site. As far as the search engines are concerned, your all flash web site might as well be invisible. And if the search engines can’t see your site content, a good chunk of potential customers will miss out on what you have to offer, too.
Equally as “pointless” are splash pages. Once very popular, the splash page should no longer be an important feature of any site. While splash pages used to serve as an introduction into a web site (often with a flash animation), it is no longer seen as helpful, and often times might actually annoy visitors.
For one — it’s an extra click to get into your content. Worse is when you don’t give a “skip intro” option or set of links into your main site content — because you’re essentially forcing your visitors to sit through the full animation. If you’re lucky, this will only annoy them… if not — they’ll just leave without giving your main web site a shot. And without an html link pointing into your site, the search engines have no way to continue either (unless you made use of a sitemap.xml file — but still…)
A good alternative to both issues is to make use of a flash header. There’s no problem to include a flash animation at the top of your main site, or as a feature within the content area, etc. Because this is an addition to your web site, as opposed to a full separate element.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Link Building Help and Advice in Plain English

What are Links and Why Are They Important?

Links to pages on your website from pages on other websites are like popularity votes. The more links a page has the more popular the page becomes but it's not just about the number of links, it's also about the quality of the links. For example if another popular page links to your page the value of that link is higher than a link from a page that isn't popular. It makes sense really and here are some link building techniques.

How Does Google Use Links?

Google uses links to help it decide which pages to put on page one for a search. Google's software uses the number and quality of links to a page as a measure of the page's authority. When a person uses Google to search, Google wants to give what it thinks is the most authoritative page the first position, the second most authoritative page the second position and so on.

Do I Need Links?

Not always. If you operate in a niche market and there aren't many or any other web pages that are relevant then you can rank number one in Google for a search with no links to your pages. However, this is rare and for the most part if you want your web pages to appear in search results you will need links to give a signal to Google that your page is an authority.

How Do I Get Links to My Pages?

  • Go to a link seller
    Pros - You will get links, they should make a difference
    Cons - They may be low quality, they may eventually stop working if the link seller is found out, you may have to keep paying to keep them
  • Search for links based on merit
    Pros - any links you secure could have a very positive effect on your site, links you secure should last
    Cons - securing links can be very time consuming, time spent looking for links doesn't always bear fruit, you need something worth linking to which also takes time and effort
  • Article Marketing and variations on this theme
    Pros - guaranteed keyword rich links, good for generating traffic
    Cons - link quality often low
  • Forum spamming and variations on this theme
    Pros - guaranteed links
    Cons - links are low quality, huge numbers of low quality links may give a SPAM signal (this is pure speculation), may harm your company reputation
  • Social Media or the leverage engine
    Pros - very effective at securing traffic and links
    Cons - spamming could harm you, creating something that sparks interest isn't easy

In a Nutshell

Essentially you should be creating THE authority site on your subject with researched, well written information presented in a search friendly way. You should then encourage others to link to your authority content. If you achieve this your site will rank for the keyword searches you have optimised for.
If your site doesn't have content worth linking to getting links is hard and you have to go down the link seller and article marketing route but beware, buying links is against Google's guidelines so there are risks associated with that and article marketing also has its challenges although it's not against Google's guidelines.

How We Can Help

The services we offer include:
  • Optimising your current pages
  • Removing any technical barriers stopping the search engines indexing your site
  • Creating better content for your site
  • Searching for merit based links
  • Article marketing
  • Online PR
  • Encouraging others to link to your content
We provide a combination of these services to our clients and we are transparent in everything we do. The only guarantee we give is we will work hard to improve the way your site ranks, we can't guarantee specific rankings, nobody can.
We do this work on a retained basis, that is you purchase a set number of hours per month and we use the hours as effectively as possible to move towards your goals. 

Quality Link Building Service

Every website should be optimized well for Search Engines in order to get top rankings in SERPs (search engine result pages). And when it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the most important factor is Quality Link Building.
Link Building Strategy
Link Building is a strategy/technique to get relevant (quality) links to your website from good ranking websites in your niche so that the top search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and others rank your website higher in their Search Results. It also helps to increase website Page Rank.
Many of you may tried to build lot of backlinks to your website spending lot of hours in a day. But, Have you ever wondered how many number of links should one have for his website (or) what method should you use to get backlinks (or) From where should you get relevant links?, I am sure you might have asked these questions many times.
Types of Links Building: 5 Star Rating
1.Content Distribution
Description: BackLinks from press release sites, article writing, guest blog posts, Feed aggregators such as RSS feeds
Method to Obtain: Write unique and SEO optimized content & promote using social networking sites
Difficulty Score: *
Quality Score: ***
2.Blog/Forum Comments
Description: Links from forum signatures, blog commenting, posts, profiles
How to Obtain: Search relevant niche blogs & forum topics, register in those sites and create profiles, create signatures for forums using anchor text
Difficulty Score: *
Quality Score: **
3.Purchased Links
Description: Links obtained through submitting in paid blog directories and other paid links
How to Obtain: Search for keywords + sponsor, advertise, sponsored by, banner ads, submit URL, add URL
Difficulty Score: *
Quality Score: **
WARNING: This type of link building is very dangerous and sometimes your website even gets penalized by Search engines.
4.Reciprocal Links
Description: Links from exchanges, partnerships and trades (always go for topic relevant site sites)
How to Obtain: Use only high authority relevant sites to exchange with, try to do a 3 way link building instead of 2 way.
Difficulty Score: **
Quality Score: *
5.Social Media/Bookmarking
Description: Links from various social media profile pages and bookmarking sites
How to Obtain: Find top bookmarking sites based on PageRank, Alexa Rank, dofollow and submit website using good keyword anchored phrases
Difficulty Score: ***
Quality Score: ***
6.Embedded Content
Description: Links via widgets, infographics, badges, and other embeddedable content
How to Obtain: Develop visually appealing and valuable content, elevate via social networks
Difficulty Score: ***
Quality Score: ****
7.Link Reclamation
Description: Links to no longer available resources to re-point at your pages
How to Obtain: Check Google Webmaster Tools for pages not found, contact websites linking to those to change link or redirect to your site
Difficulty Score: ***
Quality Score: *****
8.Natural Links
Description: Links obtained naturally due to link worthy content and link baiting techniques, etc.
How to Obtain: Create quality, informative content (avoid duplicate content) and promote via social networks
Difficulty Score: ****
Quality Score: *****
9.Link Requests
Description: Links acquired through manual requests from webmasters, site owners, etc.
How to Obtain: manual email requests by conducting competitive link analysis (always opt for high PR sites)
Difficulty Score: *****
Quality Score: *****
The above link building structure tells you the value of each type of link building techniques.
All the Best for a Successful Link Building. Do share your opinions using the comment form below.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Link Building Strategies - 8 Basic Techniques for getting links

Linking is one of the most important components of increasing traffic to your web site. Here are 8 simple methods to get links to your site:
  1. Links are a contract term: Any time you sign a contract with a new business partner, include in the agreement a requirement that they must link to your site.
  2. Web based PR: Promote your site using conventional PR! We like to use PRWeb because they are inexpensive, and offer great access to news directories, as well as conventional magazine editors.
  3. Use URL Wire to launch a site: Eric Ward's URL Wire is a great way to announce the launch of a new site.
  4. Start a Blog: Blogs are a great way to recruit links. Be careful though. Keep the commerciality low. Also, make sure you learn how to use tags, and plug it into Technorati. You can read our article on Blogging SEO tactics for more information.
  5. Ask Visitors to the Site to Link to you: Keep it reasonable. Don't bury them with the "link to us" message. But if they want to give you a link, make it easy.
  6. Implement RSS feeds: If you have a blog, or publish article regularly, you can syndicate the articles, or synopses of the articles (better) using an RSS feed. This helps increase your exposure. Also, you can submit to 20 or so RSS feed directories, each of which is good for a link.
  7. Submit to Quality Directories: Pick quality directories, such as Yahoo and the Open Directory Project (ODP), and submit listings to them. There are others that are good too. Best of the Web is also decent.
  8. Ask for Links from other Sites: Make lists of sites that you would like links from. Keep them highly relevant to your business. Contact them and show them why linking to your site would be beneficial to their visitors.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Latest 2011 Do follow Social Bookmarking High PR lists

Latest 2011 Do follow Social Bookmarking lists